GIGGLING JOHNNY: You almost got in trouble with Mr Todd, eh *o* ?
Clu-cluck ...
Ye-yes - hurrah for the formidable ladies ...
Tshee-hee *O*
But - how would you shave me with a strap, please?
JOHNNY: No, I wouldn't really shave your tail feathers off - just slap you with the leather
strap one use for honing one's razer *o*
Oh - O.K. hon' *o*
But maybe we better go on to the Usual Suspect when it comes to me *O*


JOHNNY/JACK: Yes - you would have had to invent Jack yourself if the Disney people
hadn't done it for you -o*
Cluck *o*
I do wish I had thought of calling you Sparrow - that name suits you, sir *O*
But yes, I do want you to get into the former fish barrel, boy !!! It's not like you smell of
roses as it is so could you AUCH? *gets slapped in her tail feathers - gently - by the flat of Jack's sword * ...
Tia Dalmaaaaaaaaa !!! Jack's hitting me !!!!!
ALMOST SPEECHLESS PIRATE: How old are you ??? Telltale *O*

Old enough to kiss you *o* *does with great pleasure *
And don't worry - auntie is not close enough to hear me *O*
SMILING 'BAD BOY': Bad baby birdie *o*