A sweet friend asked if we didn't have any 'bad boys' - beside the cutie pies, that is *o* And
we of course do *O* But - they are certainly NOT the easiest persons to work with !!! Even though they are all "played"
by my Johnny Sweets he of course try to 'stay in character' - at least when he remembers to do so -O*
Anyway - here we go ...

Agent Sands - CIA's man in Mexico *o*
And a lovely 'little' tin for the bad boy to get into - but oh, no - no way *O*
Tshee-hee-hee *O*
BBC in this case is of course the Bad Boys' Club -o* NOT the British Broadca-ha-ha-ha *O*
SMILING EDITOR: Silly wee baby birdie *o* Enter; The Barber in London *O*


Uhm - tight pants *o*
... but maybe we should ask Bon Bon to give him a tip or too about make-up -o*
JOHNNY: But - Meepsie ... Next page !!! *O* !!!