Let's continue with cute little Johnny then *o*
THE NOT-AT-ALL-CUTE'N'LITTLE JOHNNY: Did you just promise your darling uncle Hermes NOT
to tease me, young birdie !!! ? !!!
Just to go on -O*
And so we do *o* *kisses her happy, but also shy guy *
Let's look at the sceptical beauty again - now that he has got the teasing out of his system
for the moment he looks positively radiant *o*
Hence the hearts I've added here -O*


Yes, yes, Jackie-kin - don't push, little darling *o* I'm sure people will love to see you again
too and without the teasing text *O*
... yes, you will get the rum, luv! Promise *o*
I'll keep young Miss Lizzie far away from our booze cabinet so everything should go peachie
JOHNNY IN HIS OWN 'GLAD RAGS' 'CAUSE JACK'S IS too WARM: Good, honey bird - then everything
is set for tomorrow and we can publish this page *o*
Cluck, baby *o*
... don't he look just like a little angel here?
Uncle - can Johnny please have my halo ...

JOHNNY: MEEEEEEEPPPSIIIIEE - will you publish this page, you little - bird, you *O*
SMILING UNCLE HERMES: Why of course he can, pet *o*
JOHNNY: ... you're MY dad so shouldn't you sorta be on my side ... No,
forget-about-it and hand me that halo, Dads *O*