Oh, good - you did come with us *O*
Now - my sweet sweetie (BLUSHING EDITOR: Meepsie ...)
Yeah, luv *o* You *O*
But he always claim I'm so GOOD at this picture making ...
YEAH !!! *O* !!!
So I'll go on clucking "Look what I can!" -o*

No, that pic has nothing what so ever to do with neither our Johnny-boy [Depp or Magpie
Sweets -o* ] nor a Happy New Year-wish from me to you *o*
That is just me saying I love both YOU and the 'johnnies' very much *O*
MEEPSIE'S EDITOR'S EDITOR: Very nice, little one *o* But my boy is complaining
- not that serious though, me thinks - and claims you're embarrassing *o* So could we go on, please *O* ?
Cluck, Uncle *o* *looks so angelic - for a hen, that is - that her loving adopted uncle/imaginary
father-in-law lights a small halo over her head *
Tshee-hee *O*
HEAD SHAKING AND SMILING JOHNNY: Yes, my dears - that was a link *o*