
My Virtual Garden - 4


After a stiff drink I feel ready to handle all teasing critters !!!
So let's show off three more flower pics *o*


I don't have my own garden - in reality, you know? So all these pictures are taking across the fench or hedge of other people's garden ...
TEASING JACK: Pirate *o*
Yeah - well ... Tshee-hee *o*


Then again I don't harm the flowers - do NOT pluck them so people doesn't loose anything by my 'pirating' !!! *gets a comforting kiss on the check by the sweet captain * Wow - very nice *O* Thanks *o*


Oh, I forgot to cluck that frame above - around the pink flower, savvy? - was made by a filter from this wonderful place: Mehdi *O*
And the background on this was made by - erm - can't remember *O*
GRINNING EDITOR: Never hear of that firm, sweetie *o* Is that a new one *O* ?
Cluck, baby *o*