
My Virtual Garden


I've been dragging poor innocent little flowers into Photoshop ... Kicking and screaming no doubt since they are spoilt garden plants and didn't want to have to actually work for sunshine, water and fertilizer -O*
But this then is my Virtual Garden ...
Please enter - through the Ninth Gate - no, just kidding -O*  Please enter and look around *o*
And if you want to see any of the pictures bigger just click on them twice *O*


Some flowers which grew on a bush *o*
... this dumb bird can take the pictures but I often forget to ask the flowers what they are named - sorry *gets pink embarrassed feathers around her beak *


Bright flowers *o*
... and even brighter frame and background - my sweet editor has some sunglasses he'll let you borrow if necessary *O*


Hi - have been infected by a grandmother virus there?
Tshee-hee *o* But I still like it which is the reason why you can look at it here *O*