PIRATE !!! *starts to slap Jack as per usual with the captain and females
JOHNNY SWEETS: Hi? Stop, sweetie - he's right, you know *o'
Yeah - well - that doesn't make it better !!!

... O.K. - most people in the eighties were probably tired of fighting - or had never done it in the first place
- and now wanted to get rich ... But that doesn't make it O.K. to forget your fellow fowl, does it now?

HESITATING PIRATE: Noooo - but I have wanted to get rich from back when I was hatched !!!
Erm - born *o* Don't you want to get rich ...
Yes, but - not if it mean trampling over a lot of other people ... We three are on the side of the underdog,
are we not *o* ?

SMILING EDITOR: Certainly *o* Except when Jack gets impatient and offend said little doggie
so it runs off with the keys *O*
GRUMBLING DOG-OFFENDER: You had to bring that up, right? ... tshee-hee *O* Look -
I have apologized to Fido, savvy? And I am all for everybody else getting rich too, chick pea - but will the poor just not
start behaving as bad as the other rich people when they get money?