SMILING BOSSMAN: Didn't you work for young Katrina around that time,
baby birdie *o* ?
Designed a new dress for the little chickie *O*
Yes !!! *O* !!! That's it *o* But then it was only her jest *O*
*o* ... poor Ichabod though - he's in biiiiiig trouble now since a miffed Katrina is NO jest *O*
*o* But I made them another invitation - we can't have a party without those two *O*
TEASING JOHNNY: But are you sure we're going to have party though ... I seem to be a ghost here
Sure you are, baby *o* *takes the sheet off the giggling boy and kisses the "ghost" - then waves to the bats
* You're invited too, dear count D. *O*
JOHNNY: O.K. - so you're a ghostbuster too ... Well, you're certainly cuter than the original
blokes *o* *gets tickled* Tshee-hee-hee *O* Easy on the go-ho-ho-hods, luv' *O*
Oh, yes!
We better invite Barbossa and Jones and - and their whole crews so we can get something really spooky
and somewhat scary *O*