Ever since I saw these three pictures together the first time I've had something like this
in mind *O*
MEEPSIE'S IMAGINARY VERSION OF THE GUY IN GLASSES: But didn't he hide the - or did I ...
Same difference, baby *o*


Sweet young Orlando doesn't believe his friend for a minute *o*
But love him just the same *O*
BLUSHING JOHNNY SWEETS: Yeah - well - maybe a wee bit *o*
Or a whole lot, honey *o* Just as your friends love you *O*
REDFACED 'HONEY': Shush now, young missy !!! ... could we really not afford a more
expensive halo? Depp's a superstar as far as I have heard *O*

... yeah - but we're still broke *o*
COMFORTING AND KISSING EDITOR: Maybe we lack money - but you certainly don't lack
in funny ideas, baby girlie *o*