Yes - it's only December 30, 2007 today so I'm - for once in my life ... - a bit early with this
*o* But I'm kinda of busy tomorrow so would like to wish you ...
.. here and now *o*
MEEPSIE'S FANTASY EDITOR: And our little cutiechick - yes, you, Meepsie *o* - has hauled
in 'the Usual Suspect' - namely me -o* - to help her *O*
Cluck, baby *o*
So here we go - what ...
We're starting with a possible cancellation ?????

No - that's just my sweet little TEASE !!! *O* !!!
Just because we're changeing the handle of the year from 2007 to 2008 is no reason to stop
teasing me, he seems to think -o*
On the other hand sweet little Jackie is almost always ready to lend a sparrow wing - erm - hand
to any of my plans *o* But - being Jack - he also ALWAYS has his own agenda when helping ...
Don't worry though *o* He'll get his rum - all the rum he can handle and then perhaps some -O*


Now if you want to see more of this - and I do hope you do - please grab the "forward" link below
and come along to the next page *o*