
Merry Christmas - 2004


Christmas is one of my favorite holidays *O*
This chick has probably never grown up as she ought to - tshee-hee *o*

But don't you just feel "the spirit of Christmas" in that beautiful smile *O*

Cluck certainly do *o*



But my imaginary version of that lovely smile - erm, man -o* - is also a TEASE ! *O* !
As I also believe the real life Johnny Depp is *o*
And the 'season to be jolly' gives plenty of opportunity for teasing a poor birdie - claiming I won't get any gift this year!
On account of our strained economy, he added ...

But THAT has been strained every year !!! So I guess - also from the teasing smile - that it will "same procedure as last year" *o* ... actually "every year, James" ! *O* !

... I do hope though that my sweet little troubadour is playing his guitar here 'cause he wants to - not to earn money for gifts to his silly birdie *o*



MEEPSIE'S 'WANDERING' MINSTREL - SITTING DOWN: Oh, no, sweetie *o* I was just trying out some Christmas songs for Grandie - but somehow she didn't like "Silent Night" played in the style of ACDC or Rolling Stones .....

Silly baby *o* *kisses her "baby" and almost tips his chair doing so * Woops?
Maybe we better turn the page *O*