More spooky and VERY scraaaaaary stuff -o* *tries hard to look spooky and VERY scary
but looks more like a little chick with indigestion and as such and because he pretends to misunderstand gets a comforting
hug and kiss from her fictional fella * Huh? Really !!!
He *O*
O.K. maybe I'm not good at scary *O*
But this pumpkin lamp does its very best ... And my sweet little tease pretends he doesn't
know it's HALLOWEEN -o*


So I asked if he could please carve another more friendly looking lamp for me - but he would rather
not, he said ...
A somewhat scary friend - when he remembers to be lately, that is - had already claimed that
for his own -O*
But besides that my baby is the sweetest you can get *O* And probably right here too -o* Although
I wonder ... My imaginary version of Johnny Depp is my BOSS so who was it who was naughty enough to want to promote me to
turkey ???
