Next picture *O*

Wonder how that woman got wings - can such a slim beauty really be a chicken too ...
Tshe *o*
No, just more brushes clever, clever people have made and
kindly placed on the 'net for chickens like me to grab and flap off with *O*
Butterflies, flowers, pink colours - oh, and hearts *O* Then one know it is Meeps is
clucking here *O* ... but other people must like those kind things too - 'cause I haven't make the brushes -o*


what's gotten into the bird ??? Anything wrong, pet? ... and are those feathers yours - are you ill ???
sweetie *o* Don't worry *O* I've NOT started to loose feathers or anything else worrying ... I just wanted to try something
a wee bit different for once *o*
My TOTALLY FICTIONAL ADOPTIVE Grandma Hera's favorite is called Johnny Sweets - and BABY
and HONEY and SWEETIE and "SHUT UP, MEEPS!" - no, you're not called that? Erm - yes, Johnny *looks so very well behaved
it's downright unbelievable * Tshee-hee-hee *o* And 'works' as my editor among other things *O*
In my imagination said Grandie also loves this though *o* ... although she tried to hide it because she claims the pic's so Victorian it makes her "back-teeth hurt"
One of her favorite expressions -o*
But I could see she likes the pic so - so THIS is Grandma's favorite too *O*

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And that's all for now - bye, bye, until next time *o*